Subject: Public meeting tomorrow (Wednesday) on nonconforming structures
Dear Coastal Property Owners Association of Santa Cruz County Member,
The Santa Cruz County planning department has proposed some ordinance changes focused primarily on nonconforming structures and uses to help streamline and ease requirements to improve or rebuild both homes and commercial properties in Santa Cruz County.
A public workshop meeting before the Planning Commission has been scheduled as follows:
Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Time: 9 a.m.
Location: Board of Supervisors Chambers
701 Ocean Street
5th Floor, Room 525
Santa Cruz, CA
The agenda item #11 and proposed changes can be viewed at:
An article in today’s Santa Cruz Sentinel about the proposed agenda can be viewed at:
The proposed changes go a long ways towards improving our ability to rebuild our homes or other property that may have become nonconforming by ordinance changes that have been made over the years. There are however still limitations to the rebuilding of legally built structures based on the percentage of loss incurred by fire or other natural disaster.
We would like to see and encourage you to support clear language in the proposed changes that state:
“Legally built nonconforming structures are allowed to be rebuilt after a fire or other natural disaster in the same size and footprint that existed prior to the loss regardless of the percentage of loss incurred.”
If you are unable to attend the meeting please express your concerns about the ordinance changes by contacting Project Planner Annie Murphy at 831-454-3111 or by e-mail at pln400@co.santa-cruz.ca.us preferably before 5:00 p.m. today.
Please keep your comments positive as the we are making great progress with the county.
I apologize for the last minute notice as unfortunately it was just brought to my attention today that the public is invited to this meeting.
Keith Adams
Coastal Property Owners Association of Santa Cruz County
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