County of Santa Cruz Public Planning Commission meeting is scheduled for:
Wednesday December 12, 2018 at 9:00 am
Board of Supervisors Chamber
County Government Center
701 Ocean Street, Room 525
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
The Planning Commissioners will be asked to approve the Public Safety and Hazard Management General Plan, Local Coastal Program and County Code Amendments.
Please write or e-mail each County Supervisor and Planning Commissioner before this meeting to respectfully requesting a delay in approving the Amendments as:
1) Few coastal property owners were notified or even know of the proposed Amendments.
2) Noticing of the Amendments has not allowed enough time for property owners to review the 700 page document and comment.
3) Public workshops for the proposed amendments are needed so that coastal property owners and coastal related professionals may participate in the process. Public input has been limited to only two Planning Commission meetings.
4) There are many flawed items in the Amendments including a property deed recording requiring a waiver of rights, an indemnification to the County of Santa Cruz and the California Coastal Commission, and an acknowledgement of Hazard Risk assumed by the property owners when applying for improvement, reconstruction or new construction permits.
5) Unreasonable recorded deed restrictions would also state that after the year 2040 your home or shoreline protection may require removal or relocation. All existing permits will expire.
6) New sand mitigation fees (taxes) for coastal properties are excessive, punitive and have not been clearly defined nor justified.
7) The amendments do not adequately address the need for private property coastal protection as a first line of defense in protecting public access and County infrastructure.
It is also very important to attend the public meeting expressing your concerns, asking for a delay in approving the Amendments and requesting that public workshops be held so that public and professional input is considered.
Our County Board of Supervisors are:
John Leopold john.leopold@santacruzcounty.us
Zach Friend zach.friend@santacruzcounty.us
Ryan Coonerty ryan.coonerty@santacruzcounty.us
Greg Caput greg.caput@santacruzcounty.us
Bruce McPherson bruce.mcpherson@santacruzcounty.us
Our County Planning Commissioners are:
Michael Guth mguth@guthpatents.com
Melanie Shaffer Freitas melanief1@aol.com
Rachel Dann Rachel.Dann@santacruzcounty.us
Judith Lazenby judilazenby@aol.com
Renee Shepherd renee@reneesgarden.com
A one page summary of amendments is located at:
The 700 page Local Coastal Program and County Code Amendments is located at:
Keith Adams
Coastal Property Owners Association of Santa Cruz County
www.coastalpropertyowners.org to join