March 29, 2011 7:00 PM Board Meeting Minutes

Coastal Property Owners Association of Santa Cruz County


Keith Adams
Richard Berg
Jim Marshall

Location: Adams residence, 500 41st Avenue, Santa Cruz

Current cash and certificate of deposit balance: $62,115.14

The following items were unanimous approved:

Directors and Officers Insurance: $1,701
Website consulting: $75
Powers Land Planning, Inc. contract as previously authorized at the January 28, 2010 board meeting: $5,000.

Our planning consultant Ron Powers will continue working with the county to implement a “grandfather” ordinance for legally permitted structures that have become nonconforming by changes to building rules. The proposed countywide “grandfather” ordinance will allow for rebuilding of legal nonconforming residential structures which do not impact health and safety.

It was reported that the Pleasure Point East Cliff Parkway project should be signed off by the Coastal Commission in about two weeks. The project may commence as soon as this June.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.