Letter from the Coastal Commission to the County of Santa Cruz re proposed changes in the Public Safety Element/Coastal Hazards LCP

The CCC has submitted a letter to the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors regarding agenda item #7 (9507) requesting the County make substantial changes in the proposed LCP. Further limit any new development, redevelopment or replacement structures along the coastline. All structures substantially modified or replace since the Coast Act of 1977, should be considered “new”. Any further major redevelopment or replacement structures should not rely on existing coastal shoreline protection or armoring devices. The County must guarantee continued or increased public access to the beaches and shorelines, and force property owners to accept the obligation to modify or remove their shoreline armorment to allow for continued public access with sea level rise.

Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisor’s Mtg 9/15/20, Proposed Agenda & Attachements

Download attachments, and plan to attend the BOS meeting on 9/15/20 in person or virtually.
j. Public Safety Element Section 6.4 changes since 3-10-20 (strikeout-underline copy)
k. Chapter 16.10 changes since 3-10-20 (strikeout-underline)

Chapter 6.10 Geohazzard Code Ammendments – changes since 3-10-20 Attachment-27627

Chapter 6.10 Geohazards Code Amendments – LCP for Coastal Bluffs & Beaches. Red-lined changes since the Board of Supervisor’s meeting on 3/10/20

Notice of Public Hearing, Board of Supervisors vote on the LCP 9/1/20

The County has proposed alternative language to address greater flexibility in the “one time only” limitation on major redevelopment/replacement structures pursuant to the Board of supervisor’s motion on 3/10/20. A copy of the red-lined document with changes made since 3/10/20 draft, should be available by 8/28/20 for public review. Go to the County website: https://santacruzcountyca.iqm2.com/citizens/default.aspx?

New Santa Cruz Public Health Order for Limited Beach Access

As of Friday May 1st @ 11:59 p.m., the Beaches (sand) will be closed from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m., but water sports (such as surfing, boggie-boarding, swimming, paddle boarding, kayaking, and boating) will be allowed. People will be allowed to cross the sand to go to the ocean, but can not sit or lay on the sand or rocks. No other activities will be permitted on the beaches between 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Before 11 a.m. or after 5 p.m., the beaches (sand) will be open for exercise activities such as walking, jogging, running, or walking your dog. You must be moving at all times. No sitting, lying, standing, sunbathing, sight seeing, congregating, or picnicking is permitted. The following items will be prohibited on the beach; umbrellas, shade structures, tents, BBQs and grills, coolers, beach chairs or other conveyances for sitting and lying.

This order will remain in effect until further notice or modification by the County Health Officer.

County Planning Dept to Hold Informational meeting on LCP on 3/2/20 @ 7 p.m.

The County Planning Department will host a Public Informational Meeting on the latest proposed LCP and Code Amendments to address Sea Level Rise on Monday, March 2nd at 7 p.m. at Live Oak Elementary School. (see official meeting announcement)