Amended letter from Derric Oliver to Kathy Molloy 3/6/20

Attached please find amended letter from Derric Oliver to Kathy molloy on behalf of the Santa Cruz County CPOA dated 3/6/20 further commenting on the Santa Cruz County’s proposed LCP amendments, specifically, Land Use Plan section 6.4 (Coastal Bluffs & Beaches) and Implementation Plan chapter 16.10 (Geologic Hazards). As explained during our recent meeting on 2/27/20, the purpose and intent of the CPOA’s comments is not to criticize but to help ensure that the County’s updated LCP is sufficiently clear to the public and fairly balances the interests of the County, its constituents, and in protecting coastal resources.

County Planning Dept to Hold Informational meeting on LCP on 3/2/20 @ 7 p.m.

The County Planning Department will host a Public Informational Meeting on the latest proposed LCP and Code Amendments to address Sea Level Rise on Monday, March 2nd at 7 p.m. at Live Oak Elementary School. (see official meeting announcement)

County Planning Dept holds Public Informational meeting on the LCP on 3/2/20

County Planning Department will hold a Public Informational Meeting on Monday March 2, 2020 at 7 p.m. at Live Oak Elementary School – Multipurpose Auditorium to discuss the latest proposed 6.4 Safety Element Amendments – Local Coastal Plan (LCP) for Coastal Bluffs and Beaches, and 16.10 Safety Hazard Code Amendments to the building codes for Santa Cruz County. CPOA-SC wants to urge you to attend this meeting on March 2nd to reiterate your concerns as Coastal Property Owners.

Future Of Seawall Up To Council

There’s quite a bit of campaigning going on in Depot Hill, and it has nothing to do with next week’s election. Rather, information pamphlets are being circulated in an attempt to sway community opinion, and that of the City Council, about a proposed $2 million, privately funded seawall along the base of the bluff.