Public Access to the Santa Cruz County Sea Leve Rise Vulnerability Assessment Project
Please use the attached web link to access the County SLR Vulnerability Assessment Project and the Map for the Santa Cruz County coastline
Please use the attached web link to access the County SLR Vulnerability Assessment Project and the Map for the Santa Cruz County coastline
At the 2nd meeting of the County Community Working Group on 2/19/25, the project team presented the preliminary findings of the SLR Vulnerability Assessment Study for the Santa Cruz County coastline. The Sea Level is projected to rise 0.6 to 1.0 feet by 2050, and 1.6 to 4.9 feet by 2100 (Statewide average: Intermediate Low – Intermediate High scenarios), CA Sea Level Rise Guidance Policy for 2024. The Consultants evaluated the incremental impact on coastal resources and shoreline protection of each foot (1 – 3 feet) of Sea Level Rise over the next 20 – 30 years, and the potential impact of 4-6 feet of SLR over the following 30 – 70 years (up to 2100). Countywide, there would be approximately 200 structures “at risk” with existing armoring and one foot of SLR, 1,500 structures “at risk” without any armoring. With three feet of SLR, 500 structures would be “at risk” with existing armoring and 2,400 structures would be “at risk” without any armoring. County beaches would be approximately 75 feet narrower on the average with existing armoring. Most vulnerabilities are caused by erosion to residential buildings, with Seacliff, Rio Del Mar and Aptos neighborhoods having the highest number of structures “at risk”.
CPOA urges the County Board of Supervisors to direct staff to re-issue Request for Proposal (RFP) #23P3-011 Santa Cruz County Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment and Local Coastal Program Amendment, and ensure that the RFP reaches the appropriate contact people at each of the major Coastal Consulting firms and extend the deadline to respond to the RFP by 30 days.
Superior Court of CA has ruled against the CCC in their interpretation of “Pre-existing structures which are entitled to shoreline protection”. In the case of Casa Mira Homeowner’s Association (San Mateo) vs the CCC, the Court ruled the CCC exceeded the authority and limitations of the Coastal Act in their interpretation of section 30235, that only “Pre-existing Structures present before the passage of the Coastal Act (1977) were entitled to any shoreline protection”. The Court finds that CCC has mis-interpreted an ambiguous section of the Statue, and is attempting to add new language restricting any new shoreline protection for existing costal structures. The Court further stipulated that any existing structure (present tense) is entitled to shoreline protection if it is in danger of coastal erosion, provided that the shoreline protection device does not restrict public access to the beaches and shoreline.
Santa Cruz County Planning Department has held a number of Public Hearings to solicit public input on their Coastal Sustainability Project. This project includes a review of the impact of Sea Level Rise on Coastal Beaches and Bluffs, housing, public infrastructure and public beach access, as well as erosion of inland properties due to climate change, more severe and frequent storms and fires.
The Casa Mira Homeowner’s Association is suing the California Coastal Commission over the denial of coastal development permit to construct a 257- foot seawall to protect a collapsing bluff that fronts Casa Mira townhomes built in 1984. Casa Mira worked tirelessly with CCC staff for three years and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to develop a proposal that met every one of staff’s seemingly endless objections. Coastal staff had recommended approval, but the Commission over ruled and denied the permit. The Trial is set for October in San Mateo Superior Court.
Study on the stability and erosion of California Coastal Bluffs was recently conducted by researchers at UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography indicated cliffs along California’s northernmost coast have been eroding faster than the more populated bluffs of Southern California. See article recently published in the LA Times.
Property owners of 200 – 300 Beach Dr., (29 properties) won law suite against County of Santa Cruz for unlawful seizure of walkway in front of the homes. The judge ruled that the County did not hold title to this walkway, had previously declined claim of public right of way, and did not provide any maintenance or improvements to protect the public right of way. Therefore, the County could not claim any rights to the walkway.
Article written by John Erskine, Esq, with Nossaman LLP, provides a detailed and practical guideline and summary of the origins of the California Coastal Act, Sea Level Rise, and adaptation strategies for both public and private projects in Coastal Hazards Zones. (To view and read this document, open as a separate tab.)
This year, the California Legislature is doubling-down, having introduced more than a dozen bills intended to address sea level rise in some form or fashion. From a “takings” perspective, it appears the proposed legislation has been crafted broadly and in such a way as to avoid inverse condemnation or regulatory takings liability, but the real question will be how local jurisdictions implement the various programs (assuming the legislation is adopted).