Coastal Property Owners Association of Santa Cruz County

Board Meeting Minutes:
April 9, 2019, 7:00 pm

Forer Residence
2-2752 East Cliff Drive
Santa Cruz, CA 95062

Attending board members:
Keith Adams
Richard Berg

Geoff Flavel
Steve Forer
Reed Geisreiter

Minutes of the January 9, 2019 and July 10, 2012 minutes were approved.

The Treasury report dated March 28, 2019 with a cash balance of $47,009.20 and no expenditures from January 1, 2019 was approved.

Payment of $3,011 for Directors & Officers Liability Insurance for the period from 5/9/19 to 5/9/20 was approved. It was agreed to increase the coverage from $1 million to $2 million provided the total premium does not exceed $5,000. Keith will follow up with the insurance broker.

Keith reported that board members Keith Adams, Richard Berg, Gene Bernald and Jim Marshall approved the appointment of Steve Forer and Reed Geisreiter as board members by e-mail on March 28 and/or 29, 2019. The appointments were unanimously formally approved by board members Keith Adams and Richard Berg at the board meeting.

Keith Adams resigned as president and Steve Forer was unanimously approved as president. Reed Geisreiter was unanimously approved as Treasurer to replace Gene Bernald. Keith will notify Gene of the change.

Approval to add Steve Forer and Reed Geisreiter as signers on the bank accounts and require two signatures on checks was received.

Geoff Flavel agreed to help update our website to better promote new memberships, bill existing members and collect dues electronically.

Steve Forer reported on the March 19, 2019 meeting with the Coastal Commission (CCC) and Planning Department which was also attended by Mark Massara and Keith. The CCC requested that the County delay the proposed County LCP Amendments until they are better organized. County Project Planner David Carlson did not understand their concern as he confirmed that the proposed County LCP Amendments were simply “cut and pasted” from the CCC Sea Level Rise Policy Guidance. (Our message to the Planning Department and Planning Commissioners has been that this document is only guidance and is not regulation that the County must adopt). The County confirmed at the meeting that the amendments will not be presented to the Board of Supervisors until their May 21, 2019 meeting.

Following the CCC meeting Steve again presented our suggested changes to the Planning Department. He is pursuing a meeting date with the Planning Department about the changes prior to the May 21, 2019 Supervisors’ meeting.

Concerns regarding items in the proposed County LCP Amendments which might be problematic and only known by someone intimately involved with the CCC were discussed. It was suggest that we hire Mark Massara to help us further review the Amendments. A budget up to $10,000 was approved to engage him. Steve will contact Mark to ask for his assistance.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.