
RE: Assembly Bills 226 & 291 to erode property rights

Dear Coastal Property Owners Association of Santa Cruz County Member:

These bills, if enacted, would enable the California Coastal Commission to unilaterally declare a violation of the Coastal Act to exist, unilaterally assess a fine, unilaterally lien and ultimately foreclose a property without any external checks or balances.

Simply put these bills would empower the California Coastal Commission to act as prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner for all coastal, bay, watershed & wetlands area property owners throughout the entire state without due process, probably constitute a denial of equal protection and set a dangerous precedent for the formation of an extra-organizational police state.

To date these bills have passed subcommittees on a straight party line vote. Although Coastal Property Owners Association of Santa Cruz County is a strictly non partisan organization we are asking that you contact the appropriate assembly representative for your district as contained in the following link:

Assembly Members by District Email & phone numbers are provided!
Please contact as many state assembly representatives as you can and urge them to vote NO on AB 226 &291!


Keith Adams
Coastal Property Owners Association of Santa Cruz County