There will be two public meetings as follows regarding new rules for existing and new coastal properties as per the following e-mail from David Carlson, Resource Planner, Santa Cruz Planning Department.
DATE: Tuesday and Thursday, November 27th and November 29th, 2018
TIME: 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
PLACE: Board of Supervisors Chamber
County Government Center
701 Ocean Street, Room 525
Santa Cruz CA 95060
The Planning Commission will then hold a public hearing as follows prior to submitting the new rules to the Board of Supervisors for approval.
DATE: Wednesday, December 12th , 2018
TIME: 9:00 a.m.
PLACE: Board of Supervisors Chamber
County Government Center
701 Ocean Street, Room 525
Santa Cruz CA 95060
Following David Carlson’s e-mail below are some comments regarding these new rules from Cove Britton, an architect who has been following this issue.
From: David Carlson (David.Carlson@santacruzcounty.us) Fri 11/16, 3:27 PM
The County Planning Department will hold two informational meetings on proposed new rules for building on coastal bluffs and beaches to address sea level rise. The proposed rules are intended to reflect current science as well as certain Coastal Commission guidance related to sea level rise.
“¢ New and remodeled homes on the beach would have to be elevated higher above flood hazard levels compared to existing requirements
“¢ New and remodeled homes on coastal bluffs would have to do additional geologic and engineering studies addressing existing armoring
“¢ New hazard disclosure language recorded on property deeds would be required
“¢ Rules would become stricter for rebuilding storm damaged structures
“¢ Requirements to mitigate the impacts of existing and new armoring on coastal resources including potential payment of in-lieu fees.
The proposed rules are part of a larger package of updates presented in a public hearing to the Planning Commission on October 10, 2018 and October 24, 2018. The Planning Commission continued the public hearing on the project to December 12, 2018 and Planning staff has been refining the proposed rules for building on coastal bluffs and beaches in preparation for the December 12th hearing. Prior to the informational meetings on November 27th and November 29th the revised information will be posted on the Planning Department website at www.sccoplanning.com and a follow up email will announce when this new material is available.
For more information, call or email the project planner noted below.
DATE: Tuesday and Thursday, November 27th and November 29th, 2018
TIME: 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
PLACE: Board of Supervisors Chamber
County Government Center
701 Ocean Street, Room 525
Santa Cruz CA 95060
To mitigate scheduling conflicts, both meetings will cover the same information. County staff will explain the proposed rules and answer questions.
After the Planning Commission makes its recommendation, the Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing and take action on the proposed amendments, and this is expected to occur in January/February 2019. The amendments will then be submitted to the Coastal Commission for certification and final adoption, which could occur in Spring/Summer 2019.
Lastly, please forward this message to members of your organization and other contacts interested in this subject.
Thank you.
Best regards,
David Carlson
Resource Planner
Santa Cruz County Planning Department
(831) 454-3173
The following is an update prepared by Cove Britton regarding the County’s proposed revisions to the General Plan, LCP, and ordinances.
To date our understanding of the 700 plus page staff report has a fundamental change in how Coastal properties are addressed in any permitting process. Though staff states that they support armoring for urban properties, it is under the caveat that property owners must waive their right to protect the property in the future due to sea rise hazards. Other issues is that any permit may require the upgrade to current standards of revetments, sand mitigation fees (for a recent project of ours it was estimated at about $200,000), etc. Essentially profound costs and potential removal of the structures located on the coast and the revetments that protect them, can be required/generated at the will of the County with a waiver that allows them to exercise that will if one wants to obtain a permit of any sort.
In addition a recent policy was adopted (and is being codified now) requires those with bluff protection ocean ward of their property line to apply for an encroachment permit by May 2019. That encroachment fee can be as much as $6500 hundred dollars a year and the permit requires waiving rights to the encroachment and of the property below (which may or may not be “owned” by the County. In addition that permit application will likely trigger the potential for being required to upgrade the revetment and pay sand mitigation fees (and a waiver to the right to protect the property in the future).
There are other significant issues, but so far I think these issues are the most concerning. I also I should note that even if one does not have a revetment yet, but foresee a time when they may, these issues are concerning.
Please feel free to pass this along to your neighbors. Lastly, there is an effort being put together to hold a public round table discussion regarding these issues which shall be privately noticed and sponsored due to the lack of willingness by the County to give direct notice and provide for appropriate public participation. If you would like to be informed of the when and where please let me and Keith know.
The next public meeting of the County of Santa Cruz Planning Commission will be held on:
Wednesday December 12, 2018 at 9:00am at:
Board of Supervisors Chambers
County Governement Center
701 Ocean Street, Room 525
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
You may direct any questions to the David Carlson, Project Planner at 831-454-3173 or by email at David.Carlson@santacruzcounty.us