Dedicated To Protecting Coastal Homes & Businesses From Erosion
Board of Directors
Steve Forer,
Keith Adams,
Immediate Past President
Richard Berg,
Vice President
Reed Geisreiter,
Gene Bernald
Brett Sisney
Drew Lanza
James Marshall
A Message from the President
The Coastal Property Owners Association of Santa Cruz County is dedicated to promoting a legislative and regulatory environment where coastal property owners can protect their homes and businesses from coastal erosion. The criteria for membership are: Coastal ocean front property owner, or property owner of a parcel on a street which fronts the ocean with no structure in front (this would include coves and lagoons along the coastline) in Santa Cruz County.
Santa Cruz County has many public and private coastal resources, including roads, hotels, restaurants, homes, and apartments. These resources are worth protecting! Many organizations are working against coastal protection, instead promoting a policy of planned retreat.
Join us in working to create a more balanced approach to preserve beaches, maintain public access, and protect coastal resources. Become a member today!
Benefits of membership in the Coastal Property Owners Association of Santa Cruz:
Keep informed on issues affecting coastal property owners
- Learn about sea level rise and how it may affect coastal property owners
- Learn what you can do to protect against coastal erosion
- Learn about the California Coastal Commission’s Guidelines for Sea Level Rise
- Keep informed about the Santa Cruz County’s Local Coastal Program
- Learn how to apply for building permits for new or improved structures
- Understand the new criteria for coastal armorment (revetment rocks, sea walls etc.)
- Provide advocacy for protection of property rights of coastal property owners
- Advance notice of upcoming important meetings and workshops
- Learn about the concept of “managed retreat” in light of sea level rises
- Learn about the new County & Coastal Commission requirements for a release of liability, indemnification, and acknowledgment of coastal hazards
- Learn about “Sand Mitigation fees”, when they will apply, and strategies to avoid or reduce such fees
- Learn about what term limits may apply to existing permits for armoring (protective) devices, and requirements to have a “Monitoring, Maintenance & Repair Plan” in place
- Keep informed about important news articles, public hearing and meetings
- Meet other coastal property owners and learn how they have managed to survive living along the beaches, coastal bluffs, cliffs and coves in Santa Cruz County
- Have a voice in shaping policy to protect the rights of coastal property owners
Steve Forer
President, Coastal Property Owners Association of Santa Cruz County